Support JADA House Today

  • Donate Online

    JADA House International relies on the generosity of individuals like you to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those we serve!

  • Designate through United Way

    JADA House International is a United Way Contributor Choice Agency. You can designate JADA House International by using United Way code 13280359.

  • Send a Check

    Checks can be made out to JADA House International and mailed to 5111 Glenwood Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15207.

  • Volunteer

    JADA House International is run by a small and nimble team. We can always use volunteers to support our events and community initiatives.

Since its founding in 2014, JADA House has:

Engaged with hundreds of local teenagers through weekly teen meetings and bringing in guest speakers to explore a variety of topics.

Supported hundreds of families with holiday gifts for kids through the Love Gift Giveaway, our annual toy and coat drive.

Designed programming to increase self-esteem, encourage creative thinking, and ultimately create a sense of community in a safe and open environment for all.

Empowered the younger generation to give back, build their community up, and support each other - to be the best versions of themselves.

Given out over 1000 backpacks stuffed with needed school supplies through our annual Blast Off! event.

Collaborated with dozens of community partners in Hazelwood and the Greater Pittsburgh area, including The Hazelwood Initiative, Remake Learning, Pittsburgh Action Against Rape, Center of Life, Planned Parenthood, and more.

Bridged gaps between Hazelwood and Greater Pittsburgh to interact with different communities, organizations, and events to increase dialogue

We appreciate your support!

“There is always someone there you can talk to. I love the fact that you can express yourself and not feel judged.”

— Diamond